Image of Shadow Lawn, the actual house, circa 1960.

Photo of author Robert D. Keppel.

🌳 Robert D. Keppel 🌳

Coauthor with William J. Birnes

Robert D. Keppel was the chief consultant to the Green River Murders Task force who helped develop the strategy behind the arrest of current suspect Gary Ridgway. He has since retired as the chief criminal investigator for the Washington State Attorney General’s Office, and is currently on the faculty of the University of Washington.

He has received a number of grants from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Administration to aid local police agencies in tracking serial homicides, and is currently implementing his own β€œMurderbook” software in law enforcement agencies around the country.

Cover of The Psychology of Serial Killer Investigations. Cover of Riverman. Cover of Serial Violence. Cover of Signature Killers.
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