Image of Shadow Lawn, the actual house, circa 1960.

Photo of author Qiao Liang.

🌳 Qiao Liang 🌳

Coauthor with Wang Xiangsui

Qiao Liang, whose ancestors came from Hunan Province, was born in Xin County, Shanxi Province, to a military family in 1955. He is a member of the Chinese Writers’ Union. Presently, he is assistant director of the production office of the Air Force’s political department and holds the rank of senior colonel in the Air Force, along with being a grade one writer.

His most important works include Gate to the Final Epoch, Spiritual Banner, and Great Glacial River. He has repeatedly won national and military awards. In addition to his literary creations, he has applied himself over a long period of time to the research of military theory and joined with other writers to pen A Discussion of Military Officer Quality, Viewing the Global Military Big Powers, and A Listing of the Rankings of Global Military Powers.

Cover of Unrestricted Warfare.
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